

Tonight my heart and mind lay quiet. My one prayer is that my eyes open again tomorrow. Wants and desires become simple. Just let my eyes open again tomorrow. Let me feel life. Let me share my love.

Tonight I lay thankful to share my bed with my Soul. She sleeps by my side with unconditional love. She breathes with me and for me.  She cries with me and for me. She laughs with me and for me. Our hearts are truly one.

Tonight I am quiet. I’m not up or down. I am at peace with how life works. I understand. I have faith.

Tonight I realize that so many of the answers sit right inside of us. We look so many places to find them, but they are sitting right there, if we just take a little time to look within. We have all been given the key. Every answer also brings an equal amount of mystery. The combination of the two is life. Its the journey.

Tonight I have nothing to fight. Nothing to achieve. Tonight I trust in the way things should be. Tonight I am happy.

Tomorrow I will open my eyes for the new day.

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